TheMIUbook magnets


PREPARATION: Open all 3 green or white pages of TheMIUbook. On one page, draw a forest, on another page, draw the sea, and on the third page, arrange the magnets with pictures of animals.

TASK: Ask the child questions: “Where does a squirrel or fish live, a bear, an octopus…?” The child will answer and place the magnet with the corresponding animal in the correct place where it lives (forest, sea…).

PREPARATION: Offer the child several magnets (airplane, fish, frog, apple).

TASK: Ask: “Who flies? Who jumps? What grows on a tree? Who swims?” The child looks for the answer among the provided magnets.

PREPARATION: From the “Colors and Shapes” magnet set, choose one shape (e.g., a circle).

TASK: Ask the child what things are round? (Ball, watermelon, plate, clock, tire…)

PREPARATION: Select several magnets (star, crown, magic wand, apple, cloud…) and draw the same objects on the pages of TheMIUbook.

TASK: The child must match the magnets with the drawings.

PREPARATION: From the “Weather” theme, choose one season (e.g., winter).

TASK: The child selects from the offered “Weather” magnets those weather conditions that are typical for the chosen season (clouds, frost, snow…). You can also incorporate a story about animals and ask the child: Who hibernates? Where do migratory birds fly? Why do they migrate?

PREPARATION: Choose several magnets belonging to the same theme and include one that doesn’t belong.

TASK: The child must find and remove the “intruder,” the word that doesn’t belong.

*For older children, you can offer a more challenging task by having the same category consist of words that start with the same letter (e.g., bear, cat, ant, donkey, mouse, and the “intruder” butterfly…).

PREPARATION: Open TheMIUbook and mix the magnets from the “Fruits and Vegetables” theme on the middle page.

TASK: Let the child separate fruits on one side and vegetables on the other side.

*You can repeat the same task with animals (wild/domestic, sea/forest) or with means of transportation (drives/flies/sails).

PREPARATION: Draw a city with roads on TheMIUbook. Prepare magnets with means of transportation.

TASK: The child places the means of transportation in the right places (car on the road, train on the tracks, plane in the sky, boat on the sea…)

*You can repeat the same task with “Fruits and Vegetables” magnets, and instead of a city, draw a garden with beds, bushes, and trees.

PREPARATION: TheMIUbook, chalk or marker, “Fairy Tales” magnets, and other themes.

TASK: Picture Stories – we create and tell stories with the child, where we write down certain parts of the story and replace specific words with magnets. Then, together with the child, we read the story, and the child “reads” the words from the magnets, practicing declensions.

PREPARATION: Choose a magnet as desired.

TASK: Ask the child to list as many parts of the given object as possible. If needed, you can always help the child by asking sub-questions (e.g., Let’s choose a car magnet, and the child lists its parts: steering wheel, wheels, mirror, doors, windows…).

PREPARATION: Draw the child’s favorite object, concept (sun, flower, house…) with white chalk.

TASK: Let the child color it.

PREPARATION: Arrange numbers on one page of TheMIUbook.

TASK: The child needs to arrange the numbers in order of size.

PREPARATION: From the “Numbers” theme, select magnets with dots. Place two magnets in a row, leaving a blank space between them.

TASK: The child must count the dots and determine which magnet has more dots. *If the child knows numbers, you can include combinations of magnets with dots and numerals in the tasks.

PREPARATION: Come up with a word and mix up the corresponding letters, then place them on one of the pages.

TASK: The child should uncover the word or perhaps multiple words and arrange the letters (maybe multiple times, e.g., AVART = door, neck, garden, rat, rt…).

PREPARATION: Open all three pages of the book. Mix up magnets from different themes on the middle page. Designate one empty page for shorter words and another for longer words.

TASK: The child names the objects in the picture and depending on the length of the words, places the magnet on either the first or second page (e.g., shorter: boat, rain, fish…, longer: crocodile, apple, submarine…).

PREPARATION: Arrange several magnets in a column on one page, and write the same words in a different order in another column.

TASK: The child should read and connect each magnet to the corresponding word with a line.

PREPARATION: Arrange letter magnets (or write the letters yourself) in a column on one page. On the other page, mix up magnets from different themes.

TASK: Next to each letter, the child arranges magnets (words) that start with that letter.

PREPARATION: Arrange a few chosen magnets and write corresponding words below them, but replace one letter with a hyphen.

TASK: The child should write the missing letter.

PREPARATION: Prepare chalk or markers and the “Numbers” magnet theme. Create tasks involving mathematical operations of addition and subtraction.

TASK: Practice addition and subtraction with the child.